Bohemian’s Guild
「Bohemian’s Guild」は、本の街・神田神保町にある古書店。
1924 年、東京・池袋にて夏目書房として設立。
古書店として90 年以上続き、近年は特に戦後美術や現代美術に力を入れギャラリースペースを展開。
店内1 階は、美術を中心にデザイン、写真、建築、映画、哲学など多種多様なジャンルの古書・古本を揃え、2 階は企画展のほか様々な
また、常設展として1 点の作品に焦点を当てた「蒐集壱藝」を企画。
本の街である神保町から文化を発信するオークション「Tokyo Culture Auction」主催。
東京都千代田区神田神保町1−1 木下ビル1F・2F
年中無休 12:00〜18:00

Bohemian’s Guild CAGE
「Bohemian’s Guild」から徒歩1分の場所に位置する2022年に設立されたギャラリースペース。
東京都千代田区神田神保町1−25−1 神保町会館 3F
年中無休 12:00〜18:00
Bohemian’s Guild
Bohemian’s Guild is an antiquarian bookstore located in Kanda Jimbocho, the city of books.
Founded in 1924 as Natsume-Books in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.
In recent years, the store has expanded into a gallery space with a particular focus on postwar and contemporary art.
The store handles a wide range of items from rare books to contemporary art.
The first floor of the store is mainly fine art, but also includes a wide variety of used and antiquarian books in genres such as design, photography, architecture, film, philosophy, etc. The second floor is dedicated to a wide range of books on various topics, such as art, design, photography, architecture, film, philosophy, etc.
It will be a book gallery where visitors can view original works by artists and writers.
Visitors can actually experience art and culture through paintings, prints, rare books such as limited editions and first editions, and autographs.
In addition, “Shushu Ichigei,” which focuses on a single work of art, is planned as a permanent exhibition.
The “Tokyo Culture Auction,” an auction that transmits culture from Jimbocho, the town of books, is organized.
Bohemian’s Guild CAGE
A gallery space established in 2022, located a minute walk from “Bohemian’s Guild”.
The gallery plans and exhibits mainly contemporary art in a spacious space with a maximum exhibition space of 70 square meters.
Movable walls are used throughout the space, allowing for a different spatial presentation for each exhibition.
About Sales
The books and artwork handled by Bohemian’s Guild can be found in our online store.
If you would like to view our artworks in person, please contact us in advance as some of them are available in our warehouse.
Online Store: